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Free call or text 1737 any time to talk with a trained counsellor, free  24 hour service.

Suicide Crisis Helpline   0508 828 865    

If you think you, or someone you know, may be thinking about suicide, call the Suicide Crisis Helpline for support.

If you believe either you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, please call emergency services immediately on 111

Lifeline – 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP)
Healthline – 0800 611 116
Samaritans – 0800 726 666

For an up to date list of  all helplines , visit the website below​

Free online CBT courses to help with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more.   Recognise and understand depression and anxiety. Includes self tests.
ttps://  An award-winning computer program that helps young people learn skills to deal with feeling down, depressed or stressed.
  A website to help young New Zealanders recognise and understand depression or anxiety. Text and email support available.  Telephone counselling for children and young people. . 
Confidential and self-affirming LBGTIQ phone support and face to face  counselling. A free national parenting helpline. Helps children, young people, their family/whanau and friends to navigate through times of trauma, loss and grief.  Alcohol and drug helpline. Family violence helpline.
  Help with alcohol, drug and gambling addiction

Community Mental Health Services

Auckland District Health Board Community Mental  Health Services (Adult)
(Referral required)

The Auckland District Health Board (DHB) Community Mental Health services provide a range of services for adults with moderate to severe mental illness or psychological distress. Services are provided via multi-disciplinary teams which include psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers.

Kari Centre Community Teams  - Mental Health service for children and adolescents

(Referral required)
The Kari Centre is the community service provided for children and adolescents who may be experiencing a mental illness.  The Kari Centre Community Teams are made up of experienced Mental Health professionals including Specialist Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Child Psychotherapists, Nurses and Occupational Therapists as well as cultural support staff.

​Community Alcohol & Drug Services (CADS)

If you are looking for information or help for an alcohol or drug issue, for yourself or anybody else, then take that first step and give us a confidential call on 09 845 1818 or just drop into one of our clinics. CADS is a FREE service.


Family Services

Parenting Through Separation - Free course
Support through separation. Parenting through Separation (PTS) is a free course for parents who are currently separating or have recently separated. It can also help grandparents and other family members/whānau who have responsibilities around a child's care.
A PTS course is a good first step for carers who want to do the best for their children during a difficult time.

Family Works Resolution Service - mediation
If you need help making day-to-day care plans for your children following a separation, then the Family Works Resolution Service may be able to help you. At FWRS, we will help you make the arrangements which are the best for your children, the other parent, and you, without the need to go to court.


1737 Free Counselling Call or Text

Free or funded in-person counselling 

Lifeline Auckland

Specialist Counselling  ( in person) is currently available from Lifeline’s Auckland centre to parents with dependent children,  or youth aged 17 and under.

To find out more or to make an appointment  please  contact us here or email

The following information is taken from the Mental Health Foundation website

  • To find low cost or free counselling in your area, search the Family Services Directory, or contact your local CAB.

  • Most GPs are part of Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) that run Government funded mental health programmes − often you can access free counselling sessions through these.

  • If you are in paid employment you may be able to access free confidential counselling through your company’s EAP employee assistance programme – talk to your employer.

  • You may be eligible for 10 free counselling sessions (or more if clinically indicated) and other assistance through a WINZ Disability Allowance.  (You don't need to be on a benefit to qualify for a disability allowance.)

  • Free Youthline counselling for youth aged 12–25 years and their families. Available in various locations across Auckland and also Dunedin. Counselling for adults is available on a sliding scale.

  • ACC funds support following sexual violence. It offers fully funded and immediate support and treatment – including support for your family and whānau. It doesn’t matter if it happened recently or a long time ago, there’s support available when you’re ready. Visit the FindSupport website to find an ACC registered therapist.

  • Local women's or men's centres often have counsellors on site or can provide recommendations, some of whom are low cost/charges are on a sliding-scale.

  • Local DHB Community Mental Health Services provide community based support, psychological therapy, counselling and psychiatrist services. Services are for those who meet mental illness criteria and you will usually need to be referred by your GP. Contact details are in the front of the phone book under 'Hospitals and Other Health Service Providers'.

  • Post Natal Depression
    Mothers Helpers provides group therapy at $60/session at our PND Recovery Course.  If you are eligible for a WINZ subsidy, these sessions will be available to you free of charge.  Alternatively, you can attend online group therapy for the PND Recovery Course at $20/session.​

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