Postnatal Depression and Anxiety
Postnatal depression (PND) and anxiety affects about 10 - 20 percent of new mothers, and can occur at any time during the first year. You may experience them separately or simultaneously.
Signs of Depression
have feelings of hopelessness
had depression during pregnancy
believe you just can’t cope
feel angry and irritated
have a poor appetite or an excessive appetite
feel overly anxious about your baby
tearful, alone, guilty, and unsupported.
have difficulty sleeping even when baby sleeps
having thoughts that you are a ‘bad’ mother
have thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
Signs of Anxiety
feeling fearful, scared, upset or “on guard”
feeling keyed up or on edge
excessively repetitive behaviours (e.g., cleaning or washing)
avoiding people, places or activities
excessive checking or reassurance seeking or online ‘research’
trembling, twitching or feeling shaky
difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
trouble falling or staying asleep
shortness of breath or smothering sensations
racing and/or pounding heart , dizziness or lightheadedness
re-occuring thoughts or images of harm to the baby
unrealistic or excessive worry about the baby or other topics
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a ten-item questionnaire used to detect depression in the postnatal period. You can do a self-test online here:
The GAD-7 questionnaire is used to detect generalised anxiety disorder and assess the severity. You can do a self-test here:
Treatment of postnatal depression can involve talk therapies / counselling, group therapy, medication, addressing lifestyle factors, or a combination of these. Your doctor will recommend a mix of treatment options which best suits you. Counselling can help with changing unhelpful thinking and behaviours, developing healthy coping skills, enlisting emotional and practical supports, self care, and ways to calm the body and the mind.
If you suspect you (or a loved one) has postnatal depression / anxiety, it is important to talk to your Doctor for a full assessment and treatment plan.